
Sunday 25 January 2015

I make today a video for international Press about Chaves , CE funds - Uma reportagem que fiz para Press ás 07:00 AM You Tube Chaves Canal 11:00Pedro Malheiros Copyrigth

Pedro Malheiros and Canon Copyrigths

Pedro Malheiros and Canon Copyrigths

Fiz hoje uma reportagem em Inglês que pode ser vista no You Tube Chaves Canal. Ou no meu Blog. Sobre Fundos CE . As minhas ideias para o Concelho e como aplicar os fundos porque a cidade está pior que há 30 anos atrás .
I make today a video in Chaves , in English which can be seen on You Tube Chaves Canal . Or in my Blog .About EC Funds. My ideas for the Counties and how to apply the funds because the city is worse and poor than 30 years ago. I send after to CNN , The Guardian and some international Press .
And i want my things that the PSP ( SS) Chaves , took my house , and now . I make a video and
sen messages for The Time, The Guardian, CNN, and many international free press them i like !
Kind Regards
Pedro Malheiros